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We moved to Logan, Utah in 2016 after 30 years of living in Spokane, Washington. Moving is horrific. I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns! But one thing it does do is force you to deal with all the junk you have accumulated over the years. Ask anyone in my family, I’m the word champion “accumulator” (is that even a word?). One of the things we found when unpacking was a box that we had not unpacked from two moves ago—probably 40 years. Inside the box I found a school photo of me from the 1st grade (yes, they had photos back then). I looked at that tender, innocent face and immediately thought— “What have you done to this poor child? He had such hopes and dreams and was so full of life and enthusiasm.” I wondered if my 1st grade self might be disappointed at my old man self. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that little first grader is still in there. Still smiling. And sometimes he comes out to play!


The Boy Under the Glass
© 2020 Craig Mecham

On my desk, under the glass
There’s a photo of me from my first grade class
Before I took a rocky path
I was . . . that boy under the glass

The smiling face looks up at me
From the boy I used to be
Eyes of hope and dreams to pass
Were all born in . . . that boy under the glass

Once upon a time
That perfect smile was mine
It seems as time goes past
The only smile I see is from . . . the boy under the glass

The best laid plans, they knock you down
The trust you gave turns back around
Laughter fades, glory doesn’t last
You know I really miss . . . that boy under the glass

When I think of what I’ve lost
The heavy price, the awful cost
The path is wrong, but the die is cast
If only I remained . . . the boy under the glass


But sometimes I feel deep in my soul
There’s a tiny flicker, a little glow
And even though decades have past
In my heart I am still . . . that boy under the glass

2nd Chorus
Now and then it seems
That perfect smile still means
Happiness is not just in the past
It grew like a tiny seed from . . . that boy under the glass